Dr. Niels Fertig
Dr. Niels Fertig

Dr. Niels Fertig

CEO, Nanion Technologies

Day1, July 5: 13:30 Session C: Nanoscience-Biotech - Developments at the interface

Dr. Niels Fertig is a Physicist by training and did study at the University of Goettingen, Germany, University of California in San Diego, USA and the University Munich. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Nanion Technologies GmbH, the company he founded in 2002 at the end of his PhD work.

Nanion is a leading provider of instrumentation for ion channel drug discovery and has grown over the last 20 years to a company with over 100 employees worldwide. Nanions instrumentation indeed revolutionized the way drug companies screen ion channels as it dramatically increases the throughput of patch clamp measurements while keeping the data quality high as compared to other high throughput methods. Furthermore, we have developed instrumentation for ips cell research, cardiotoxicity screening and parallel membrane transporter protein assays.

Nanion combines trusted scientific support with exceptional instrumentation to accelerate successful drug development and scientific discoveries.
